Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stuck in Reverse.

Cow meets the camera.

I am going to miss work :]

And the free coffee from the heavenly coffee machine. Okay, heavenly is too big a word, but anyway.

And I'm going to be yet another wasted college student for a while until I pick something else up :] I'm going to scare my juniors away because just like any other senior, I already hate them. They stare way too much. And they crowd the corridors and they speak loudly. And they all have such high marks and annoying Blackberry phones that I want to yell at them.


Gah. I hatings them.

Where: A monastery in Ladakh.
That thing up there, you just turn it round...and there is a bell that keeps ringing. Something to do with your wishes coming true.

Where: Kashmir
I was inside a bus when I clicked them. They were selling cherries and agreed to look up only if I gave them a 'toffee' !

Where: Darjeeling
Tea gardens. Filthy thanks to the tourists, fresh, windy, cold and beautiful, thanks to the altitude.

What say?

14 cows believe I'm awesome. Do you?:

kaka said...

is there any place that you haven't visited? I seriously envy you. north-east and kashmir are high on the list. i like the b/w pic a lot.

quartertoinsane said...

nice pics all ov em...sswwwwweeeeettt

bt wats happening to ur job?

bt may b u could write a travelog in b/w... u knw something like , "Travels of a Cow" or "The world as the cow sees it" of something ov dat sort

Shreya. said...

@kaka yes there are so many places the cow hasn't see :]

dont be jealous :]

@quarter to sane... ummm i'm on a break with the work...! traveling cow i'll be called then :]

quartertoinsane said...

yay yay... traveling cow is more better... dat b gud too, no?... u'll b famous world over n get to visit many many more nicely made places...

Hopelessly Flawed said...

nice pictures!
love the one the kids
the cow has a really good who needs the blackberry.

Unknown said...

I really really like the prayer wheels one! :)

Take up photography seriously? Please?

Shreya. said...

@quatertosane .. hahah yea yea i wish :P

@hopelessly flawed... no ya! its a normal digital camera :)

@republic of chic ... thankooo :)

Huzie said...

Those are some great pics shreya!
Btw...really like ur blog! :)

Kell said...

You took those pictures? I love them!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

the cow travels a lot!! man, u guys have too many vacations:-)

Antara said...

All offices have heavenly coffee machines. :D

And whoa! The valley <3

Magali Vaz said...

First thing first...
Even I missed the coffee a lot when I left my job. In fact it was probably the only thing I missed (other than the salary, of course!)
Oh and BBs. I haz a BB :|
I used to think it was a boring ole' business phone too! But then I got it. And it is awesome, I tell you. It makes me even more addicted to Twitter, & I check my Gmail all the time. Trust me, it's awesome.
The photos are beeyooteefull! I've always wanted to go to Kashmir & Ladakh.

Shreya. said...

@huzan .. hey thanks a lot :)

@kell .. yes i took them all :) thanks!

@bollywoodD, hahah a vacation every summer is what cow has been doing :] come along next time!

@anty ... i miss :( valley and machine :(

@magali ... y'know where i was working, i wasn't being paid, so apart from the coffee machine and a couple of hot eye candies, i had nothing much to miss :P
you haz blackberry? Oh *no comments at all*
kashmir is no longer safe, but ladakh, YOU MUST GO THERE :]

and next time, drop in your twitter handle :]

thanks for stopping buy!

Magali Vaz said...

I haz your twitter handle & you haz mine! And we iz follow eachother! :D