Sunday, March 14, 2010

If you were a falling star, I'd wish for you.

He is simple. She is smart. He is shy. She is sweet. He is witty. She is over powering. He is stuck up. She has gone places. He is slow. She is snappy. He is a doting son. She is miles away form her family. He is unsure. She is difficult. He is happy for her. She's thinking about the dress at Macy's. He is waiting. She just winked at the fair skinned guy across the room. He is a guy. She is a woman.

'Its complicated'

Sitting by the window of the car I see things speed by. Without you, it all seems slow, it all seems parched. I hate to admit I'm falling apart. I'd rather be hurt than feel nothing without you.We can run away, forever. I'm on a boat and only short of direction. I need you to guide me. I'v lost you to time, I'v lost you to space. I won't let us drift apart. Apart, we aren't complete. You can either complete us, or complicate us.

His dairy.

6 cows believe I'm awesome. Do you?:

quartertoinsane said...

this really seem complicated...

IceMaiden said...

And it makes so much sense to me, it almost choked me.

The Me. said...

You should write a novel. And i shall read it and love it. =]

et said...

and its so true

Somak said...

Nice. The breaking up of the text into small parts is a nice idea. And yes, I agree, it is complicated.

wildflower said...

too gud Shreya! :)