Saturday, January 30, 2010

It played again...

Cold, the room is real cold.
The air is heavy. The walls have a shade of their own.
The bed is damp.
The bed underneath is damp from the water that drizzles from the ruined roof above.
It feels like the rain. Cold rain. Merciless rain.
A wolf howls somewhere. Someplace near.
Those eyes are fixed at the stars. Twinkling stars. Up there. In the murky sky.
The nursery rhyme constantly playing in the head...
Shards of glass from the broken window pane carpet the grimy floor.

Some things in life can never be forgotten

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!

It played again. Start. Stop. Rewind. Forward. It played again.
As the wait for the dark to rise continued. She had business to mind...

10 cows believe I'm awesome. Do you?:

The Juggernaut said...


love this line

It feels like the rain. Cold rain. Merciless rain.
A wold howls somewhere. Someplace near.

Oxymoron said...

indeed there are somethings that we can never forget...its funny how life unfolds...when we are kids we wanna grow old and when we finally do we realize how much fun being a kid was....

wildflower said...

screw all business to mind

write more such stuff Shreya :)

yu almost made me move into that cold room..i cud feel the rain and the night..

Abdullah Tariq said...

Shards of glass from the broken window pane carpet the grimy floor.

Wow (: Well written.

nil said...

loved it,i did!
dude,that was JUSSSST awesoommme! :D

Sameera said...

Wow! Nice.. especially the last two lines!! Classic way to end.

Anonymous said...

History repeats? :-?

Unknown said...

I'm not running. No. I'm following this 18 yr old.

el_idioto said...

beautiful... wonderfully scripted

setpanchifree said...

played it again ol doordarshan days....