Monday, April 4, 2011

The best decisions are taken in the shower. Just saying.

Hello! I'M GOING TO BLOG MORE OFTEN, GUYS! Eh, why do I see frustrated faces? You guys must jump around the room 'cause yes, I am going to blog more often. :D

Okay, dont jump around. =(

The only problem being, I am having a bit of a straightface phase and therefore might, I repeat, might sound a tad bit too PMSed. Oh by the way, did you know that most women don't want to admit to being PMSed? Long social theory behind it. Sigh.

I am slowly slipping into the no-contact zone. :) Last time I did that, it was merely out of sheer boredom. This time, it's out of fedup-dom. I need to vent it out somewhere, and hence I figured I had to had to blog more often.

Anyway. I'm giving myself a month. I am as puzzled in my head as I sound. I can't think clearly and steadily. I need a brain-wash. You know, like a car-wash? I need to shove a to-do list into my face. I need to sleep and wake up happy. I need to get done with summer school and probably not meet people for a bit. I have a feeling April's going to be tough.

I went to a supermarket today. For the first time in 50 years. Gosh, do they play horrible music or what? All they played was Enrique. I was wondering, what IF I become a DJ at a supermarket? Damn chilled out my life will be. Oh, and I can not handle carts. Grr. I have to struggle the life and death out of me to push them around. WTF. I don't like supermarkets. Bleh.

So, see you guys around more often than more often? :)

I hate to foresee. I hate to foresee horrible things.I like it black or I like white. As long as I am not in the grey area, I like it all.

14 cows believe I'm awesome. Do you?:

quartertoinsane said...

oh, nice nice... more blogs...

hmm... may be cow to skinny to drive carts... :P

Ananya said...

Supermarket carts are fun.
It's almost like playing car racing game live. :D

Karishma said...

I don't know what to say, so I'm just going to give you a *hug* and hope that you find the happinezz you left behind in 2010. Seriously. :]

Shreya. said...

@quartertoinsane, :X

@Ananya, No wonder, I am horrible with dashing cars even. :'|

@Kay, I have nothing to say either. *squishee hug*

Crazy Blogger said...

Even I hate super markets. Kirna stores are much better!!

quartertoinsane said...

didnt mean no offense...

Shreya. said...

@anonymous, true. :)

@Quartertoinsane, I know, I know. :)

Tripthi Battapadi said...

Enrique :S

Everytime I go to supermarkets, I end up buying most of the stuff I dont need.

Bloging more often! YAY!
*jumps around the room.

Pooja Mahimkar said...

Super markets can be irritating sometimes when they play stupid music and the place is to cramped or crowded

Shreya. said...

@Periwinkle I got sow bored, I almost mastered the art of walk sleeping. :|

@Pooja...yeah, yeah!

The Me. said...

I love pushing trolley's around. Its fun. And i like supermarkets. I want to buy everything. :D

Unknown said...

i think you'd be a horrible dj...... seriously.... you might make a good PJ though......
and that's playlist jockey for you...

Shreya. said...

@The Me, yeah. Stationary, right? :D

@Pari, hahahahha. But that's exactly the point! I'll be horribler.

oRange* said...

You had me at the title.
And why do you hate super markets child? Lol, I want to buy everything too :P
Next time, ask someone to push the cart and keep walking. I do just that -_-