Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Slash and burn.

(that is not me.)


It's been the bestest thing I have ever done to myself, man! I did I did I did! And now I envy guys. I love it that much. Now I will talk my mind out. I do get odd looks from train wali aunties who stare down at my chest for confirmation (awkward silence), but I love it waaaaaay too much to mind it. And, my best favorite gay friend had a couple of wise words to say to me about it: "I think you look sexual preferencically unsure." But, I love it way way way three much to mind him saying that.

So yes, all that sulking and frowning that clogged me last week has been ass-smacked.

The next big thing I want to do is, to pierce the middle of my nose. Like, get a bull ring :c] Just like that smiley. I'm going to have to convince the mother a whole lot without being put up for adoption. Nods.

I would'v made an adorable tiny faced guy, if I was one. True story.

Two days into college and I am already sick and tired of the early morning routine, man. o_O'

Anyway, Cow is in super glee mode. I feel awesome. Do you?

Here! Take a cookie. Let us go nom nom on it.

29 cows believe I'm awesome. Do you?:

quartertoinsane said...

thnkx for da cookie...boy short is dat happy for u?

Rija Yousuf said...

"I do get odd looks from train wali aunties who stare down at my chest for confirmation (awkward silence)"

El Oh El.

Koo said...

Yayy :D

Shreya. said...

@quarter to insane ... tres happy :D

@dee dee :-/ Hmmmm.

@Koo wheeeee!

subbulakshmistoned said...

*nom nom nom*

Crazy Blogger said...


bollywoodstylediaries said...

is that you in the pic? you look awesome!! cow rocks:-)

Shreya. said...

@BollywoodstleD Nooooooooooo, love, it's not me in the pic. I no look that hot ;(

Ananya said...

I would feel freaky with that short hair. *shrug*

Shreya. said...

you wont! I thought the same. Now I dont :]

Uma said...

hey shreya....I came to xaviers yesterday and I saw you also but you were too far away for me to scream and say hi :P
but your new looks really looks good :D

Anonymous said...

lol.. the grass is always greener on the other side I guess. Back in the day I had shoulder length hair in college.. and when I graduated, my dad's condition for me joining the business was that I cut my hair. *sniff *sniff * I still weep thinking of that painful moment when that barbarian/barber sheared my locks off like I was a lamb on market day!!

Im sure you look cute.. in a girly boy way!! :) Tho please dont go with the bull (cow?) ring!!! Coz all thats left will be to get ur mom a nice long rope to lead you out to the pasture to graze!! ;)

Soumya said...

Sounds Interesting.. Maybe I should do away with my long locks for now!!

The Atom said...

boy short rocks! n the stage after a bald when you just start growing a bit of grass.. ;) try bald some time.. :D its super fun..

Shreya. said...

@loony lovegod ... whaaaaaaaat you could have come running to me and said Hi atleast no, Uma :( Anyway, thankooooo!!!!!

@Ve haaawwww! but in all honesty, guys with short cropped hair > guys with long locks, man!

I wantz cow ring but :(

@soumya you must !!! it's kinda liberating :]

@Unstable atom ... my thoughts, your words :] that is the next thing!!!

Anonymous said...


lol.. and as far as the short crop goes, its a good thing I buzzed it off then!! ;) Besides, I compensated my need for hair by growing a goatee so its all good! :)

Oh and I agree with atom.. bald is fun too btw!! Wud have shaved it all off more that just once if I could.. but you cant if it turns out that you have a lumpy head.. which I did! lol

Shreya. said...

But whaaaaaaaaaaaaai ? It looks very pretty! I'v seen people with one :( I wantz to look pwetty too. Sniff.

Oh oh oh, so I will have to get my head X-rayed o_O'

Anonymous said...

It looks cool for a while.. definitely is an attention grabber.. but not pretty from any angle!! and no.. mainly coz you look very cute & pwetty enuff right now the way you are!! More importantly, when was the last time you heard a bovine being referred to as pwetty??? Do you really wanna be a pwetty COW??

and the lumps are on the outside, fool!! :P

Shreya. said...

Whoa. One comment and it felt like one tight slap and now I don't want it anymore :| Die you!

I think, if you have a thing for ethnic stuff, are all kurta jhola types, it does suit you...like that ways it doesn't look all that slutty. Else it does. I have to admit!

One tight hug for saying those pwetty things :]

Arre Xray se pura head ka view milega nah o_O'

Avinash Shahri said...

I say MOOOO ! :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased as punch that the comment had the deisred effect. virtual chamaat! :) and you took the words outta my mouth... slutty is exactly how you'l look. I beg to differ tho.. if ur into ethnic, the ring on the side looks fine. It actually suits some girls! But a ring in the middle.. on the bridge? Indian slut all the way.. or if you prefer .. SLUTESHWARI!! lol

sorry baba... X-ray ur head please.. send me the film as well.. would be interesting to see just how much grey matter there really is in there! ;)

Shreya. said...

@avinash ... yey :D :D

@Ve ... you are one of those people who are right and know it and the others know it as well, yet one can't help but want to slap them for hitting bull's eye :P

WHO ARE YOU? I want to know! Seriously, man!

Nothing much in there, sir, I am telling you :P

Anonymous said...

lol..OUCHY! Now thats called a slap! ;) Who is me? Me is me.. or if you'd prefer.. Im me! plain ol me! :D

and I disgree.. Im sure there's plenty up there.. just not sure its all grey matter.. has to be atleast a ton of chocolate for starters!! :)

Shreya. said...

Wow. I *know* everything about you. Wow. :P

Imma eat my own head if that's true :3

Anonymous said...

lol.. well for starters.. stop wowing! :P its not like we're chatting per se .. you dont really expect me to bare my soul on a public forum, do ya? sheesh!!

and if it is true.. save me a ear and half a nose puhleeze! ;)

Anonymous said...

btw.. you can always hit me up on Gtalk u know :P ur right.. maybe there isnt that much up there after all!! ;)

Shreya. said...

sent :)

Moonie said...

i want tasveerein of the hair. i did the same last year. i be berry too much happy for you.

Prutha Raithatha said...

cuteness...i must see the new look!! when i was in junior college i used to dress like such a MAJOR TOM BOY that i got asked to stand in the guys line at admition queues etc...not even kidding....lol..those days i wonder how i wasnt outright pronounce to be a lesbian... i would have doubthed myself... but none the less i had fun... those days were different...gays where not too out in the open, hence most ppl didnt even know what homosexuality ment...lol...

i wanna see ur face!!!