That picture makes my desktop look super adorable. I love the picture. I clicked. Yes yes, ‘I’m a show off like that’.
Okay, about titles of my posts that are so never related or remotely connected to the post: There is no particular reason I got for doing so :] It’s just that I have ten thoughts being thought of when I’m not doing anything in particular. 8 thoughts get written about, one or two get brushed under the ‘private’ bracket and that one lonely thought becomes my title for the post! True story.
I keep telling people all the time: If you don’t treat other ordinary people well enough, with due respect and courtesy, you are nothing. No matter what you are, it all burns down to ‘nothing’.
I do realize I am mostly not kidding when I call myself awesome.
And we all paste adjectives upon ourselves. Only a couple of us speak them out loud. What do you think you are? Come on, tell me!
I’m waiting for these movies to download themselves. Into the Wild and then a couple of other ones! I left my assignments to go make paper boats out of themselves. I’m better off watching movies, man!
I love asking questions. I really do. And the answers people throw up to questions I ask on Twitter amazes me. So, the other day, I was wondering…if I do ever get around to getting inked, I’d go for a question mark. Preferably on the forehead. But since I don’t want my mother to flip, I will place it elsewhere :-/
Virgo women are beautiful. Nature wise. Even the rest are, but Virgo women are too much beautiful ^.^
I’m not half as self obsessed as you think me to be.
14 cows believe I'm awesome. Do you?:
call me 'paradigm of misery', m awesome like dat....
Rhythm house eh?? Truly awesome!! and yeah.. we all do use adjectives for ourselves.. but I'm guessing modesty never came up!! ;) jk!!
Frankly, I dont think ur self obsessed at all.. I think you just say a whole lot of shit for effect!!
@quartertoinsane and you alone know what that means. Yes. That awesome :]
@Ve ... you'r too modest to pick one for yourself? Ah! igetit.
And we all paste adjectives upon ourselves. Only a couple of us speak them out loud.
^true that.
Into the Wild is pretty awesome. :)
Into the Wild is a very good movie. Philosophically very profound.
BTW, tattooing question-mark on the forehead has potential to set a trend. Justdoit! You'll look nice too! :D
lol...touche'! What can I say... I wouldnt wanna crowd ur blog with all the adjectives I could come up with for meself!! :D
you'r allowed to :)
yes ma'am! maybe next time around :)
Aw, Into the Wild is my most favouritest movie!!
So this post answers my question.
Phew! You are too much rolled into one. How can a 19 yr old pack in so much..umm..wisdom?? :P Tell Tell..Pretty please?
And the adjective that suits me best would be: Weird. Seriously!
@et ... wheeeeee long time :)
@shruti ... I don't know, man :/ Wisdom or what, I just dont know!
hey ur tagged on my latest post. check it out :)
COW!! Where'z you?? The stalker's getting bored here!!
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